In that context, the communications plays the role of nurturing and protecting trust within the enterprise. The role of internal communications is presented when management and staff do not communicate, business strategies operate wrong, project goals and financial goals are not met, employees lose connection with the organization and reduce productivity.

As a leader, a CEO needs to create discussion culture with of constructive discussion with employees, especially encouraging them to have dialogue openly about the challenges and conflicts within the organization. You need to help your employees understand that conflict is essential in life, whether in the office or home. The importance is that we learn how to handle, rather than avoid conflict.
From Steinbrecher and Associates leading experience, Susan Steinbrecher has found that if CEOs tackle the following three weaknesses, employees will be willing to build and maintain trust in the workplace.
1. Emotional regulation
The emotional state of the leader as well as other individuals in the organization will directly influence the ability of processing information among members. To work effectively, your employees need to master the skills to regulate personal feelings.
Apart from work, the inability to control self-emotion is causing many negative consequences in today's society, such as an increase in street conflict, school violence, and divorce. ..
2. Conflict resolution
Besides emotional control, lack of conflict management skills is also a common problem in today's workplace. When conflicts are not fully resolved, individuals will no longer want to cooperate, or work together. Insufficient empathy and understanding of the workplace lead to the fact that we do not accept differences in the views of our colleagues.
The sign of this situation is the stressful atmosphere, the desire to win at all costs of each individual in the work, or the discussions of the company.
3. Communication with colleagues
No matter how skilled you are, if you do not have the ability to communicate well with your colleagues, your career will also be difficult.
From a managerial perspective, when the quality of the conversations decreases, employees tend to "ignore" different perspectives, and are suspicious of colleagues' initiatives.
In order to create a healthy communication environment, leaders need to demonstrate their ability to communicate, be calm and understand others. The stability of the leader will motivate the employees to adjust their behavior in a more positive way.
From: INC